How an electric bicycle improves users’ lives

improve life electric bike 1

The electric bicycle has proved to be a definite boost to the sport. Over the last few years, it has gained a considerable number of followers. Many of them even come from conventional cycling. But how can it improve your life? We give you all the keys.

The electric bicycle, dynamism and energy

When we refer to such ambitious values as dynamism and energy, we know what we are talking about. This mode allows you to get around more easily, but are electric bicycles considered vehicles? There is an important distinction to bear in mind:

Therefore, the difference lies in speed and pedalling. In both cases, you will be surprised to know that they provide a number of benefits, as sports practice becomes much easier and more agile. For this reason, it is often a highly recommended option for those who lead a sedentary life. Two suitable examples are the Capri Metz or the Kalkhoff Image 5.B Belt BLX.

Norway, electric pedalling to combat sedentary lifestyles

One of the most worrying problems in a country like Norway is sedentary lifestyles. In a study conducted by mobility experts Aslak Fyhri and Beate Sundfør, electric bicycles have been postulated as the perfect solution. To do this, they set out to demonstrate that those who use them travel more kilometres per year than those who drive another vehicle, including a car.

The conclusions could not have been more favourable to their hypothesis. A control group – made up of Oslo citizens – incorporated them into their daily commuting routine. On average, they travelled between 2 and 10 kilometres more than their usual journeys. In other words, most of these were home-to-work routes.

As expected, it turned out that they covered up to 49% more kilometres. Lógicamente, esta situación tuvo un efecto positivo en sus rutinas diarias. There is another issue that, although not reflected upon, will surprise you. The impact of this medium on their lives was such that they continued to use it after the experiment ended.

kalkhoff electric bicycles

The impact of electric bicycles on life

In this case, the study Health benefits of electrified-assisted cycling: a systematic review (2018) is also enlightening: the electric bicycle has a very favourable potential on the health of users. In fact, the authors (specialised in nutrition and physical activity) gave it more qualities than conventional cycling. These are some of the conclusions of their analysis.

Fewer limits on urban roads and forest roads

As you know, hills are more difficult to climb on a bicycle. When no warm-up has been carried out beforehand, it is common to suffer some kind of injury. The same applies to muscle overloads which, while not serious, are detrimental to performance in the short term.

When we resort to pedal assistance, which can be automatic, this is no longer a problem. You can still exert force to move forward, but it is considerably reduced. This minimisation, however, depends on the power of the model. A good choice in this respect is our Capri Berlin 7 V, with 250 W Bafang motor.

Maintenance of blood sugar and cholesterol levels

Aerobic exercise, such as cycling, is associated with greater blood sugar stability. A study published in The Medicine Diary found that it can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. In fact, up to 20% lower figures were found in the control groups.

As it also stimulates blood circulation, HDL (good cholesterol) levels are increased. On the other hand, LDL (bad cholesterol) is reduced in the short to medium term due to increased physical exertion. This benefit extends to the entire vascular system, in particular the arteries, which have a lower risk of clogging.

It takes care of the heart and regulates blood pressure.

Studies have shown that constant use of an electric bike reduces the risk of heart attack by up to 50%. We are talking, of course, about gentle or moderate exercises for which you have warmed up beforehand. In the case of athletes, there is more specific monitoring due to the increased need for cardiac drive.

Hypertension is another condition that is often prevented by this means. The key is oxygenation of the cells in the blood. Over the months, users may even notice increased fat burning. As it is produced globally, the results are seen throughout the body.

Increased resilience

Acquiring endurance has always been one of the main challenges for cyclists. In addition to hills, long journeys cause a lot of wear and tear. With the help of the motor, pedalling becomes smoother and less constant. In this way, it is possible to cover more kilometres and gain lung capacity.

As sports practice progresses, joint strength also improves. As a result, wear and tear is reduced in the medium and long term. With regard to assisted pedalling, it is a fundamental aid for the maintenance of the lower back and vertebrae.

e-bike helps happiness

Contributes to a good emotional state

One of the best solutions to combat sedentary lifestyles resulting from depression or anxiety is assisted sport. As in this case, the flow of oxygen to the brain is stimulated. There are two primary consequences of this mechanism: an increased capacity to retain information and less cognitive impairment.

On the other hand, there are numerous studies that link physical exercise with increased serotonin levels. When this is done in a smooth and agile manner, wear and tear is reduced.

In short, the electric bicycle is a contemporary, agile and safe means of transport. In our opinion, a perfect way to do sport and gain endurance. This new year, set out to lead a healthier life and start implementing the habits that will help you the most. Browse our catalogue and make your selection!

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